In the sixth episode of the CBS original series “Tracker,” titled “Lexington,” viewers will be treated to an intriguing story that unfolds on Sunday, March 24 at a special time of 8:00 PM ET/PT.
The plot follows Colter Shaw (played by Justin Hartley), a seasoned survivalist who traverses the country as a reward seeker. In this episode, Colter finds himself reluctantly joining forces with his nemesis, fellow reward seeker Billie Matalon (Sofia Pernas). Their mission? To track down a missing racehorse.
As the story unravels and suspense builds, viewers will witness Colter’s expert tracking skills in action as he utilizes his knowledge to solve this intriguing mystery.
Tracker has proved an entertaining watch so far but the episodes do feel skimpy, by the time the credits finish kicking in the episode is already half over.
Make sure to tune in to CBS on Sunday, March 24 at 8:00 PM ET/PT for this brand new installment of “Tracker.” Prepare yourself for an evening filled with gripping storytelling and thrilling moments that will leave you eagerly anticipating what comes next.