“Wheel of Fortune” aired an exciting episode on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The episode featured three energetic contestants: Betty Hunter, a sports mom and roller skater from Fort Wayne, Indiana; Kaley Keller, a pig farmer from Sulphur, Louisiana; and Alex Harrell, a Marine Corps Osprey pilot from Stafford, Virginia.
The episode began with a $1,000 Toss-Up clue, “CH_ _ _ N _ T,” which Betty quickly solved as “CHESTNUT TREE.” This early win set the tone for a competitive game. In the first round, Alex took a chance with the answer “COOKING RACK,” but it fell short. However, Betty stepped in with the correct response, “COOLING RACK,” earning her a Holland America Alaskan cruise.
As the game progressed, Alex found his footing and showcased his knowledge with correct responses, such as “PROTEIN BAR EXAM” and “TYING UP A FEW LOOSE ENDS,” which won him $11,498 in cash and a voyage. The episode featured a variety of categories, including “Before and After,” “What Are You Doing?,” and “Showbiz.”
The Prize Puzzle round offered a trip to Divi Dutch Village in Puerto Rico, which Alex skillfully solved as “A FEEL-GOOD TELEVISION SERIES,” adding to his growing winnings. The Triple Toss-Up rounds followed, with Kaley solving all three puzzles: “HEADLINE NEWS,” “FRONT-PAGE NEWS,” and “GOSSIP,” earning her a total of $10,000 and getting her back in the game.
The final round, with the category “Places,” saw Kaley make a remarkable comeback, solving “THE MOONS OF JUPITER” and bringing her total winnings to $16,200. Alex, with his impressive performance throughout the game, accumulated a total of $27,105 in cash and travel prizes.
The Bonus Round saw Alex take on the puzzle “TAPIOCA PUDDING” in the category of “Food and Drink.” With his well-deserved winnings totaling $67,105, he concluded the episode on a high note.