Juliet Bravo was a crime drama series that had a big point of difference from your standard cop show, a female lead, with Inspector Jean Darblay (Stephanie Turner) arriving in the small town of Hartley in Lancashire and initially facing scepticism, sexist remarks and distrust but eventually winning over her colleagues with her attitude and skills. She worked closely with bluff no nonsense sergeant Joe Beck (David Ellison).
After three seasons Darblay left the area and was replaced by Kate Longton (Anna Carteret) but the show carried on exactly the same as before. Ian Kennedy Martin who created this show was also the man behind The Sweeney and Stephanie Turner had played Carter’s wife in that series.
Cast: STEPHANIE TURNER as Jean Darblay; ANNA CARTERET as Insp Kate Longton; DAVID ELLISON as Sgt Joseph Beck; NOEL COLLINS as Sgt George Parrish; MARK DREWRY as PC Roland Bentley; TONY CAUNTER as DCI Logan; C.J. ALLEN as PC Brian Kelleher
Creator: Ian Kennedy Martin / Producers included Terence Williams, Jonathan Alwyn, Geraint Morris
UK / BBC One / 82×50 minutes / Broadcast 30 August 1980 – 21 December 1985