Prepare for a gripping episode of Mayday titled “Under Fire.” Scheduled to air on CTV on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:30 PM., this investigative documentary series delves into aviation disasters and explores what went wrong in order to prevent future tragedies.
In this specific episode, viewers are taken back to August 19th, 1980 when Saudia Flight 163 experienced an in-flight fire in the cargo hold. Despite returning to Riyadh International Airport in an attempt to resolve the emergency situation and evacuate passengers safely, tragedy strikes as smoke inhalation claims the lives of all 301 individuals aboard.
Mayday examines both historic wrecks and official records while interviewing eyewitnesses, passengers, and aviation experts. By reconstructing these catastrophic events piece by piece, the show sheds light on critical lessons that help improve safety measures within the aviation industry.
Join Mayday’s experts as they analyze this harrowing incident and gain a deeper understanding of why disasters occur. Tune in to CTV on Tuesday March 12th at 7:30 PM for “Under Fire,” the latest episode of Mayday.